Thanks for such a wonderful camp. Melia had a great time last summer and is looking forward to more adventures this year!
I had no idea how much “proof of possible existence” there was all around me. The last few weeks, no matter where we go, have been filled with Sasquatch finding tips and methods. Hope it lasts and lasts. Eamon and Ryan enjoy their time with you so much and can’t wait for another round.
Thank you SO MUCH for the hard work, thoughtfulness and FUN that you put into the Tree Saga camp. Spencer is still talking about it, still wears her medal and still sings her songs. I also love and appreciate the knowledge and respect for nature that you instilled in her.
My grandest one called me after his first day with you. He called it a spiritual camp and said he had the best day ever. Told me so many details of his day. Thank you Thank you Thank you….
I put out a message on my neighborhood group, Madrona Moms, and heard back that Terra Forma camps are excellent, “magical” and transformative. So we signed right up! Dean is very interested because he’s all about Big Foot. (In fact, he’s scared you might actually find Big Foot at camp!)
As I was planning our children’s summer camp schedule, my 8-year-old twins popped their heads around the corner and said, “There’s only one camp that we want to make sure you sign us up for — and do it NOW, please!” Of course, that camp was Caveman camp!
Thank you so much for being a strong and compassionate leader for our children. It’s nice to have a special place for her without all of her anxiety coming into play. She feels safe and comfortable with you, and I appreciate that. When we are out in the world, I find her answering questions about nature (information that I don’t even know!), which she has learned from YOU!!
Elisha is really going to miss you and Terra Forma. We are looking for good day camps in the Santa Cruz area. Elisha really is measuring everything we look at by your camp, and nothing we have found even comes close to measuring up.